Still skimmerless?
Thanks buddy
Thanks! Quote:
Thanks, I use a Kessil Tuna Blue 160w. The anemones love it! Thanks bud They are certainly pretty, and they look even better in person. I took that picture with my cellphone and it did and ok job but it doesn't really show how beautiful they really are. Quote:
Thanks Kelly, hope your SPS set up is doing better. Yup, this set up is skimmerless, sumpless with no fancy gadgets. That's the way my set ups run and they have always been pretty successful. It's the only way I know, in fact I don't think I would know how to set up a skimmer because I have never used one...lol. |
Well deserved Daniel! This is only half of the amazing ultra RFA collection and we need to see them all in a tank shot.
Thanks Elaine, I'll start a thread when I get chance. I have so many Ultra Premium Rock Flower Anemones to show off, some have been purchased over the years while other have been born in my tank. They breed on a regular basis and the morphs that just keep getting nicer