Best mh reflector over a 20x20x20 tank?
I'm considering upgrading to a single 250w bulb over my Solana. It will be a Radium on a Blue Wave 3. I had previously thought the Lumenmax Elite was the reflector for me but a few people have suggested the Lumen bright raised up higher.
I think the Elite has a wider spread. Would be mounted lower. Lumen bright mini is 15x15x10 and is more focused from what I hear so could be higher up. My overglow chamber takes up 4-5 inches so I don't think I need the fullsize Lumen bright. This might help with heat. Suggestions? Last edited by lastlight; 07-29-2010 at 03:33 AM. |
I just ordered 2 Lumenarc mini's after doing a bit of research. I havent got them yet so I cant say how well they work but from what i've read they have a great spread.
60" 120G project-DONE!!!! |
Should be in Friday, Reef Brites Monday!
Heythere Brett I would go with a fancy pendant maybe one withthe T-5's and the bulb in one itht he fan the one on J&L or a lumen bright the black ones ... Doug had one on here and it was well put together,
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge. You don't know as much as you think. |
I have the lumenarc minis and find they work really well closer to the surface. They're still very efficient farther off the surface as well but I like 'em up close and can really get some wild colors out of my corals with them closer to the surface. Lucky I don't have any heat issues though.
I did have a lumenbrite reflector that I bought when I was upgrading the tank from 2MH to 3, however I didn't take into account the "depth" (height?) of the reflector which was considerably more than the lumenarcs and would have required a lot of farting around in building the light rack. I ended up selling the lumenbrite right after I found a (local-ish) source for the lumenarcs. I think the lumenbrite reflectors are designed to be fairly far from the surface and provide a larger spread of light than the lumenarcs but I never tested it out. Its design certainly seems to me that it would allow for better spread of light if it was higher up as it is kind of circular shaped (hexagonal or octagonal) which means more focused light up close.
Christy's Reef Blog My 180 Build Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free. |
Cheers Ian! Cant wait to set these up!
60" 120G project-DONE!!!! |