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Old 06-12-2010, 01:50 AM
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Default lockrookie's 50g tank build

i bought a 50 g tank i was going to use as a qt tank and just have too many other ideas. and i need to keep my mind busy so here it goes.

im going to build this tank like a mini peninsula tank like ive been seeing so many of you doing. it has inspired me i want to set this tank up in our basement for our daycare kids. tax right off? i can try. as well im always tired of looking at a tank from one side i see the kids always fighting for a spot to see whats going on. thus the peninsula or room divider style will be made. besides they love the clown fish and i think i will keep minimal fish and more corals.. maybe. stock list will be decided later

i currently have a 20g fw that sits up against the wall with mollies.. i used to have ciclids but a heater malfunction cooked them. well not all some survived and now reside in a daycare parents home tank. it will eventually become the sump. i will rehome the mollies and already have found a new home for the 7 inch long plecostomus.

so this is what i got so far:
50g tank
20g sump
quiet1 4000 return
3 10g tanks to slice up and drill for overflow
going closed loop with another pump i have instead of powerheads
most plumbing parts still need a few more pieces

still need:
hole bit
lumber for stand i have a cool idea for the stand to make it kid peeking till its done
timer bar
lights i have some but they wont last long only pc light.
and whatever else i cant think of atm
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180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...

Last edited by lockrookie; 12-11-2011 at 07:10 PM.
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Old 06-12-2010, 04:13 AM
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here is the basic design that is most common there will be changes and even as i look at the drawing i know what i want to change.

hardest and scariest parts will be cutting the glass for overflow... yes i could just cut a chunk out but that would be too easy. if i break the glass well that will make it easier ill just get it pre cut and replace. all in all this build is to see how far i can go with as much do it yourself as i can. i may even build my own skimmer. im also going to keep track of all costs so i know how much it costs me in the end. and how much it should cost a new person to start in the hobby, with a basic tank and a small amount of research.

im also not thinking of doing a sand bed but instead a rock bed. i want to smash live and dry rock and lay the rubble on the bottom of the tank. i have seen bare bottom and various sand bottom but not a live rock bottom. maybe make it a complete zoa or green star polyp bottom after growth. still undecided. time will tell.
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Old 06-12-2010, 05:41 AM
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Cool . Peninsulas seem to be very popular these days
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Old 06-12-2010, 06:37 AM
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Hmm that's a very simple and very easy to construct canopy. Will make working in there a breeze. Will it sit over the lip of the tank or will there be some daylight visible through there? According to your drawing little fingers will fit in that gap even with the lid shut.

I'd leave a small gap maybe so you can blow fans across the water and get that cooling to still work for you like an open top tank.
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Old 06-12-2010, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Hmm that's a very simple and very easy to construct canopy. Will make working in there a breeze. Will it sit over the lip of the tank or will there be some daylight visible through there? According to your drawing little fingers will fit in that gap even with the lid shut.

I'd leave a small gap maybe so you can blow fans across the water and get that cooling to still work for you like an open top tank.
we have ac in the house and my 90 at this time has no cooling on it just vented sucking the ac into the top tank is never over the 80 mark. but i do want to add fans to the 90. as far as this tank goes im thinking led diy setup so heat shouldnt be too much of an issue the whole lid will be wired with led's. with a plastic guard to keep moisture away. i will take note of the heating issue tho to make sure i make room for adjustments thank you

as far as the lid i wish it to overlap the glass to keep fingers out.. theh kids in the daycare know fairly well where thier fingers dont belong we keep our parrot down there and fingers are usually no where near the cage i want this to look as clean and simple as possible i will be keeping a list of costs so ppl who are starting can see how much from start to begining what it costs before they jump in.

and well hobby/addictions should have a bit of experimentation. its what makes it fun.. and yes i know they are popular it just seems to be an ideal way to look at a tank. i want an inwall oneday but for now i play with a 50g i paid 50$ for.
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Old 06-17-2010, 07:05 AM
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i have officially come across my first hurdle in this build. the tank has a inset border around three sides my assumption was that it was to hold a lid inside the tank. now i was hoping that the builder only siliconed the edges not the flat to the glass.. my hopes are now crushed.

so now i have to figure out how im going to separate these pieces of glass from the tank or its going to look like crap so far i have tried razor blades thin screw driver but it seems like it was clamped tight and no room to slowly peal the silicone off. i am thinking my only dangerous option it to chip it away untill im able to scrap the rest off. or leave it be and build a trim to cover the ugly. if you have any suggestions or ideas it would be appreciated. i really would like to remove it if possible.
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Old 06-17-2010, 07:10 AM
Kryptic4L Kryptic4L is offline
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id be talking to the builder if i were you
Two clownfish were in a tank. One says to the other, how do i drive this thing?
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Old 06-17-2010, 07:15 AM
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its a used tank built by joe blow whatchamacallit not a pro builder or i would it fairly thick glass
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Old 06-17-2010, 07:16 AM
jzz30tt jzz30tt is offline
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piano wire or guitar string. Get it started on one edge and gently pull/saw through. Tis how you get glass out a car.
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Old 06-17-2010, 02:12 PM
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i wish there was room to fit between the two for wire. i thought of that.. but they must have clamped it tight. i cant even get a razor blade between the two.
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180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...
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