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Old 09-04-2006, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by niloc16
ruth thats not actually a skimmer it is a 5 chamber reactor, it is a calcium reactor plus what ever other media you want to run its an amazing setup, the picture didnt turn out well but when i get it setup and filled and i'll post more with more details, hidden reef is selling them right now.

jason - i'm still undecided, i may take on a new skimmer not on the market yet, but i'll let you guys know as soon as i get one.
Well I'll be snookered - it looked like a big H&S or something. I'll have to do some more research on that baby.
Here is my latest toy - just waiting for the rest of the PVC needed to plumb the outflow then I will fire it up - the thing I really don't like about buying European products is that you cannot find any fittings that will fit if you happen to break one or want to modify.
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Old 09-04-2006, 10:06 PM
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thanks pretty cool ruth. i know what you mean about the european products, the reactor i got is european so finding info on it right now is really difficult. the skimmer i'm looking at is european as well and again there is no info on paper right now to research it other than word of mouth and seeing the unit

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Old 09-04-2006, 10:11 PM
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i know the tang police will probably freak out on me but this is why i am asking to get peoples input. i have a list of tangs i'm really looking at getting for this 265 and i'm wondering if the stocking is too many or if they will get along together in the system. remember i'm not planning on doing the typical wall of rock but doing a lot of archways and hiding spots. the ones i'm thinking of are

blonde naso hopefully a male
powder blue

any input would be good currently i have not had tangs because i felt a 55gallon was too small for them but they have always been fish i have wanted. additionally i'm thinking of getting a moorish idol. does anyone have good links to people experiences with them. i know they are one of the hardest to keep but i wanted to research they hell out of them before i make a final decision.

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Last edited by niloc16; 09-12-2006 at 07:24 PM.
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Old 09-04-2006, 10:26 PM
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Colin, I am by no means an expert on Tangs but I am sure that Naesco (sp) will chime in.
I have a Yellow and a Hippo in my 230g and they get along just fine but they are from different families and have a different colour and body shape. I think if you stay away from tangs from the same family you are usually OK.
That said I do know that purple tangs can be very aggressive so you may want to add that one last. Achilles are my all time favorite tang but I don't have a system that I could add it to as my Yellow tang is a real SOB and attacks anything even remotely similar in colour and body shape. I found out the hard way when I tried to introduce a Moorish Idol to this tank. I ended up moving it to my 190g and he is still doing great. Achilles are also the most prone to getting ich so quarentine is a must.
There is a thread on RC about Moorish Idols but I haven't read it for a while - lots of good information though the last time I did look at it.
Emily B (Deb) just lost her Moorish Idol yesterday and it had been kept in captivity for about 4 years which is a really long time for this particular fish - they have a very poor track record. Mine is about a year in my tank, although I did loose one to the SOB yellow tang before I got this one. Also as a note I did not order either of these fish - they came in with a shipment to one of the LFS in Vancouver and they asked me if I would try them given I have fairly healthy large systems.
Don't know if that helps any.
What kind of a skimmer are you looking at?
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Old 09-04-2006, 10:46 PM
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thanks for the info ruth. as far as the skimmer goes i'm not sure the name, its from proline aquatics and they are bringing it in for me this week i believe. when i get info and pics i'll post. i'll try on rc for that moorish idol post.

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Old 09-16-2006, 04:19 AM
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a quick update, there has been a few little equipment changes but i'll update that later, i have the stand in place and sump and equipment installed but just have to install plumbing to tank. the tank is in the garage because the 'movers' if you want to call them that could not lift off the ground. really really long story and i'm still to P.O'd to get into it right now, i promise i will vent about it later. anyway i cleaned out the tank wiped all the equipment down. and some quick pictures to show you a bit of whats going on
sump looking right

sump looking left

equipment in stand

sump in stand, on the rh side on the wall you can see where the RO line and water change line will come through the wall

calcium reactor

barracuda c/L pump and dart return

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Last edited by niloc16; 09-16-2006 at 04:23 AM.
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Old 09-16-2006, 04:27 AM
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SWEET Colin it's lookin really good
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Old 09-16-2006, 04:56 AM
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thanks, we've been buying stuff for the past 3 months i think it is. its exciting to finally see something for the money. i think it'll pay off in the end. i'll post more pics when the tank is on and the plumbing hooked up. wait til you see the job marc did with the plumbing. its nothing short of amazing.

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Old 09-16-2006, 04:44 PM
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so i thought i would fill you in on exactly what happened yesterday. i thought i would phone to see how much it would be to have movers move the tank. so this guy says it would be $130, well of course i agreed. i told it him the tank alone is approximately 600 + lbs. he says him and the other guy have lifted alot more. so they get to the store and cant budge the tank and want me and mike to help him. i said what are you going to do at my house because of the stairs. so then he says that he has to have 2 more guys and its going to cost more. so after a bit i pay and he brings 2 more guys. so they get the stand and tank on the truck. we get home and the 4 of them are dying just trying to get the stand in the house. i've never seen movers like this. but they finally get it situated after damaging my banister. they have the tank on 2 4 wheeler dollies. they roll it down the ramp and get the tank caught on the ramp by the tanks 2 end corners. it rips the plastic trim off and chips the glass, i dont think the integrity of the tank is damaged but mike is going to come have a look. stupid idiots anyways they then roll the tank to the door way and get the tank of the doorstep but now they cant lift the tank up to a standing position, 2 of the guys are over 50 and in bad shape and they pop their backs out trying to lift it. they decide they cant do it but now they cant lift it over the door step to get it back out, finally they did but now the 'owner' says that he needs 2 more guys and it will be more money, i told him to stuff it 'you know where' and that he would be paying for it. so we roll the tank into the garage and put it on blankets. i never paid him any money and told him he would get it when the job is done. but i'm hoping to get some big guys together to move this upstairs without the guy so that i can tell him to stuff it again and not have to worry about him. mike from hidden reef said he is going to round some guys up and see if they can help out. the owner claims that he cant find 2 more guys to help out that i will have to find them but i said why would i pay you if i have to help with my friends. he just doesnt want to have to pay these guys out of his pocket. now i'm all worked up again. sorry about the big rant but thought you may be interested in this story

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Last edited by niloc16; 09-16-2006 at 04:46 PM.
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Old 09-16-2006, 05:02 PM
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Holly Crap. When are you going to try again?

Mission isn't very close to me but let me know when Mike gets the guys together I'll try to make it out to help

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