FS: Innovative Marine 25 NUVO Fusion Pro Lagoon Complete Set-Up
Too many tanks so I've decided to sell this one. In GREAT SHAPE!
Comes with tank, screen lid, custom caddy media basket, 2x Fluval Sea Marine 3.0 32W LED Lights, Mighty Jet Pump, 100W Aquatop Heater. 40 lbs of Real Reef Rock and Real Reef Magnetic Frag Holder Livestock: 2x Clown Fish 2x Cardinals 1x Mandarin Goby 2x Electric Blue Damsels 2x Sea Urchins (Tuxedo, Pencil) Brain Lots of Zoas 2x Tyree Toadstools 4 or 5 Super Fluorescent Kenya Trees Pulsing Xenia 2x Octospawn Duncans 2x Ultra Rock Anemones Lots of snails, cleaners, maybe a starfish... What's listed is what you get in the package (ATO and Nero Pump NOT INCULDED - moving to another tank) Spent over $2,200. Sacrifice for $1,200. Plug and play! |