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Old 06-12-2007, 06:17 PM
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Default Your experience with Foxface

In all the years I've been in the hobby, I have yet to get a Foxface.

Just looking for people's feedback that house this fish.

*Did you have them in a reef?
*Did they hide a lot? Did it eat Nori?
*Did you have the problem with it fading in color?
*Have you ever got a sting? What was your reactions?
*Did you find the fish to be hardy?
*What are the cons of this fish you found?

Thanks for any feedback.

~ LeeWorld ~

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Old 06-12-2007, 06:37 PM
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I had mine in a reef, he was kind of skitish but was always was the first one to the top when it was time to feed. I thankfully was never stung by him, he hid very well when my hands were in the tank. His color was was always bright unless he was scared or something was ****ing him off. This fish was sold to Mark on the board maybe he can let you know how he is doing now.
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Old 06-12-2007, 06:41 PM
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i had a foxface in my fowlr. it was always out and about. if i freaked it out, it would change colour and hide in a hole... five seconds later it would forget it was scared and come out begging for food.

ate pretty much anything i offered. cyclopeeze, nori, brine shrimp, etc. they are supposed to eat algae, so i got a ball of red macro, but it never touched the stuff.

Ive never been stung but i always took care not to get stung. if you do, know the first aid required. you should avoid having hands in there in the first place though.

very hardy fish. tough enough to hold its own against most fish, gentle enough to live with the more timid ones too. just avoid fish that eat slowly because the fox will easily outcompete it.

i cant think of any cons to this fish except that it gets fairly big. needs at least 75 gal as an adult. definitely among my fave fishes.
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Old 06-12-2007, 06:58 PM
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Mine started out in the 230g mixed reef, and is now in a softy tank. Its not there out of punishment or anything, just because the 230g came down. Mine didn't hide that much after it got used to the tank itself. I think the foxface that I have, a One Spot, is extremely hardy.

It eats like a pig, and subsequently its belly shows it! Mine loves basically anything you'll feed it, from mysis, to krill, and everything in between. My particular fish is very social, and I've never had a problem with it and compatability with other fish.

I never had any color fading, just changing when it got scared, or at night, it would turn into a molted brown color, see the photo below.

Yes I did get stung, about two weeks ago. I just had a little row of puncture wounds that itched a little. I cleaned the wound, and kept an eye on it. It was fine after an hour or so.

The only con that I can think of is that it is a strong fish, subsequently when catching this fish it splashes and fights the net like a mofo!

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Old 06-12-2007, 07:09 PM
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Hi, Steve and I have a foxface you can always come visit hint hint If he gets spooked he loses his colour and hides, and it did take him awhile to settle in, but now he thinks he's a tang and he swims around with them (a lavender, regal, salfin and yellow tang) all the time front and centre. Our's is a big pig he eats nori, mysis and pellets. He is a very peaceful fish other aggressive tanks mates (a powder brown tang and a nigger trigger) we had in the past had to go because they tormented him. He's very hardy our only survivor out of all of our original sw fish. Steve got stung by him once and he said that his hand hurt like an SOB for about 10 sec. then went numb for about 30 sec. then was fine. I was there when it happened and it wasn't too bad. We have him in our reef tank and the only coral we can't have with him are zoos, he likes to eat them, but other corals he leaves alone. The only con is if you want aggressive fish or zoos you might have to rethink getting a foxface, otherwise go for it! Our foxface was the first big sw fish we got and we love having him in our tank. Hope this helps PS our friend has one too and his leaves his zoos alone, however ours used to leave zoos alone too and now he likes to snack on them! -Laurie
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:30 PM
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I have one in my reef tank, never nipped at anything that wasn't supposed to be eaten.

Mine gets scared easily, and will run and hide or just sit in a corner looking brown and spotted. No feeding issues at all, he eats both red and green nori like there's no tomorrow, same with spiriluna flake and the regular 4 flake frenzy that I feed the rest of the tank, but he never touches the mysis or bloodworms when I feed those.
Hasn't picked on anyone, and no issues with getting bossed around by my big maroon clown. He even lets the cleaner shrimp clean him from time to time.

(knock on wood) Never been stung.

He does frequently hide in the anthelia that's growing wild in my tank, almost clownfish and anemone like.

Last edited by DanG; 06-12-2007 at 08:32 PM.
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Old 06-12-2007, 10:31 PM
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The Foxface is one of the first fish I purchased for my 90G
It is doing great with my Anthias, clowns, Blenny, and yellow tang, in my Reef.
Does a great job of eating algae off the glass and rocks. It doesn't always touch the nori but sometimes. Seems to get along great with everything and everyone. Loves NLS. I have never been stung but I bet it would hurt. The colour is as strong on it as it was when I got it.

Tell you the truth there are NO cons about having it in my tank.

Hope this helps
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Old 06-12-2007, 11:08 PM
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hI, i have a blue lined fox fish.

he is always begging in front with my tangs.

colorful, when my hand goes in the water he hides....
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Old 06-12-2007, 11:43 PM
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My foxface is the biggest pig in the tank and leaves the corals alone. Apparently, they are great for bubble algae and very peaceful. He gets along well with my mix of 4 clowns, a puffer, a mandarin and especially the beta marine who comes out to swim close to him. He does get easily rattled and will seek comfort in the rocks if something scares him. He's one of my favourites next to the mandarin and the puffer. The shade of yellow tends to change depending on time of day or stress. When bright yellow, it is as bright as a yellow tang's yellow. Tony
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Old 06-13-2007, 02:16 AM
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I have another type of rabbitfish, the yellow/gold one with blue dots. It hid for the first 3 days (smallest fish in the 220g reef) but has been out & about ever since. Seems much better at nibbling on little bits of nuisance algae than any of the tangs (Powder blue, Yellow, Elongate "A.mata", or Hippo). A rabbitfish is a great addition to a reef tank, imo. I never really liked the long snout look of the foxface, but there are many other, equally hardy species around.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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