Thread: Contest #2
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Old 04-15-2009, 02:31 PM
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Holey crap people, can I remind you this is JUST an internet board??? Whew.

Its likely I'm going to kick myself later but yes I will run this one.

I think we'll have several categories to suit everyone, why not a free for all category for those of us that have money to burn. In this case it will be about system design as well as tank design.

Binare is right, IMO the whole idea behind the contest originally was that everyone started on a level playing ground. It was what you could do with a 10g stock tank that was supposed to be impressive. I think whats happening here is that people are wanting to be more creative with the technical side of things not the biological and I can certainly get behind that.

But I still think the whole point of the "contest" is being overlooked, the point was how "creative" you could get with limited funds.

So here is what I think:

see what interest there is in running the following categories:

*stock 5.5 (limited budget) rated on aquascaping, contents and creativity

*stock 10 (limited budget) rated as above

*stock 5.5 (unlimited budget) rated as above

*stock 10 (unlimited budget) rated as above

* custom (limited budget) aquascaping contents creativity, tank design

*custom (no budget limits) aquascaping, contents, creativity, system design

Tanks can be no larger than 20 gallons. For the stock categories, if a sump is wanted the sump can be no larger than the stock tank.

This way I think we keep the integrity of the contest (which to me is to do the best you can with a stock tank and limited budget) as well as satisfy those that want to go beyond that.

I still think the 6 months should stick. Regardless of whether you have a million dollars and can afford all the bits and pieces you need, not everyone is an acrylic engineer or has the time to spend putting together their tank in a 24 hour period. I say 2 months to plan, get your stuff together and get water in it. Then 4 months to fruition.

Anyway just my two cents. I can start a poll for interest in the above categories I've laid out if its warranted.
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