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Old 09-24-2011, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Seems ok for now, he rents a basement suite of a house and the tenants upstairs are responsible for paying the power bill. Doug has been giving his portion of the payment to them however they haven't been paying the power bill. Doug found this out when called to power company to find out why the power was out and they said that house has been cut off for not paying the bill The bad thing is the power company said it might take them 24-48 hours to get the power back on

After Doug talked to the landlord, the landlord has now taken on the power bill and they will pay the landlord directly for it.
OMG! Brutal!! Hopefully the church doesn't mind the power cords for awhile. I guess Doug could always add to the collection plate when it comes around
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