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Old 04-14-2015, 08:54 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: vancouver
Posts: 784
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Originally Posted by TimT View Post
Have you added any new fish or corals/liverock lately?

What salt mix are you using? When was the last water change? Do you use RO water? When were the pre filters changed? Any idea on the TDS of the effluent?

Can you check your ammonia, nitrite and copper?

Has there been any dry cleaning or carpet cleaning done recently? Any fumigation or painting etc.
i added 2 fishes into my new tank b4 i swapped everything from my old tank over. and 5 more new fishes last week, but my sps were rtn before those 5 fish were added. I moved over 10-15% of live rock from my old tank over and the rest is rock that i bleached and acid bath so its super clean and cycled for 2 months b4 using. I use only RO water and filters are still relatively new.. about 2 months old filters. TDS before RO is about 11 or 12 i think and ro output is always 0ppm. My last water change was on sat cuz my hawaiian feather duster got killed by my cleaner shrimp. i did tear down some drywall while the tank was empty but it was cleaned properly and did paint the walls when the tank was running with some livestock in my fishroom but i was careful and did cover the tank. Painting was done 2 months ago so that should be ruled out. Havnt checked ammonia and dont have a kit for copper but my nitrite is 0.

Originally Posted by hunggi74 View Post
Easy Tim!! Lol! You sure you went to Hawaii and not Guantanamo?
I'm kidding! Tim is right, any chance any aerosol cleaning agents may have been used around your tank recently.
And it doesn't look like AEFW in your Revive water.
no aerosols been used

R u sure cuz i saw tiny oval things move slowly in circles in still water.
My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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