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Old 04-01-2015, 03:04 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Default The cooking of a 4gal pico(GRAPHIC)

First off I wanna list what was in my pico tank
4 gal pico nuvo tank
- fire fish x2
- bi colored blenny
- peppermint shrimp
- hammer coral
- 3 mushrooms
- bunch of random zoas
- a red monti plate
I don't have a before pic

So I woke up this morning to my pico tank looking like this

At first I thought hmm did my fire fishes have a wild night n mated then I touched the tank glass n boy was it warm. Took a thermometer n dropped it in n looked closer and everything looked dead. My heater had somehow stuck on n cooked my tank 100 deg.
Here's a closer pic of what died. It's kinda graphic but the look on my fire fish lol

The omg I'm cooked look

Thank god it wasn't my new in wall tank or I woulda had a heart attack
My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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