Thread: Save my corals
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Old 02-01-2015, 02:50 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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This happened to my tank n eventual lead to a lot of coral death. I agree with ^ cut off the dead tissue all it does it cause algae to grow n smother more live tissue to death. This process will take hours to do so plan UR day. When u cut off the corals then take the rocks out if u can and brush it with a stiff toothbrush in a bucket then put back. Start carbon dosing slowly. I use vodka and vinegar 4:1 ratio and some Gfo. Use less Gfo to not shock n crash UR tank like I did. I'm still battling long green hair algae for the past 2-3months but this surely help n caused no more death. My problem is my sump is full of garbage and it's very hard for me to fully clean it out due to limited room in my stand so it will always b fuel for the algae but My new tank should b rdy for corals soon. For bubble algae just get a 1-2 emerald crabs n they should do the trick or use hard line tubing n siphon them out.
My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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