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Old 10-28-2014, 08:22 PM
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yellowworld yellowworld is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 228
yellowworld is on a distinguished road

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the extended hiatus. Ive been gearing up for a move for the last few months and still working out of town. So Ive made it to my new place and I've unpacked the truck and set up the majority of everything and cracked a fresh bottle of jack and started pouring all the while listening to my tank yell at me to unpack it and get things going again. Unable to resist anymore I start to work on setting up my office and the tank, after about half hour of hunting to find all the desk parts, it finally starts to go together then the big moment as the tank gets unwrapped and placed on the desk. Everything is going fantastically so i headed back out to the kitchen to grab that glass of jack I hadn't even started yet, when I hear a bang and the distinctive sound of glass shattering...

See the way the extendable legs on this desk are set up, they require you to twist them on way to loosen them off so you can lengthen or shorten them but then need to be turned the opposite way to tighten them back up again. I think that after a long day of moving and unpacking i didn't quite tighten one of legs fully. The weight of the tank on the desk with the help of that cruel cold hearted beach known as gravity had conspired against me.

I sat there for a minute or two in shock and disbeliefe before a few big gulps finished my drink and allowed me just the perfect amount of time to go threw the normal grieving process, you know shouting a little at absolutely nothing, swearing that your just going to sell everything a get out of the hobby, thinking you can fix the problem because it's not that bad, and finally realizing that your too invested in the stupid thing to give up, and this time you'll build it better.

So thats all for story time today kids, but don't worry ill be back real soon to show you exactly what a new 13.3g Mr. Aqua Bowfront tank looks like!! (when i find one that is) but if you can't wait that long click on this link right here and see magically into the future
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