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Old 01-14-2014, 05:31 PM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: regina
Posts: 1,535
lockrookie is on a distinguished road
Default lockrookie's 180g (build #3)

Well I haven't posted for awhile so here's a bit of an update. But first an apology

2013 turned out to be a rough ending with family deaths terrible two with the twins and slow business. And the last month fighting a nasty bug that flew through or family. Thus why I have been a bit distant from the board. So i apologies for that

Now as for my tanks. Well they have suffered immensely in this time period. Lost a lot of corals and my 180 returned to a sea of algea. Ended up throwing out about half a 5g bucket of coral and my tank is very close to a fowler tank at the moment..... Except for those dang palyies I wish would die

My 50 also suffered and I have yet to remove coral from it. But I have decided to have a bit of a do over. Once I get the tanks stabilized and running smoother. I am going to re work some of the rock and attempt a revamp. So stay tuned I hope to have it all done before may.
Desperately seeking serenity ...
180g custom build

50g custom daycare tank...
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