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Old 11-13-2012, 06:05 AM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: regina
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So small hiccup today on this tank woke up to my wife saying the tank sounded funny so I go check and stepped in a puddle on the carpet. Happy joy. it seems the skimmer air intake got cloggex and cause spray over and emptied aprox 10g of water on my carpet.regretfully I had a few jobs to do so i threw some fresh water in the tank to get it to running level and quickly mixed up an overly rich batch of salt water. ran out to work got my jobs done and have been drying carpet and slowly adjusting salinity back to normal. Still not completed but daycare should be good to go by the morning. This tank has been the death of me for overflow recently. I think a overhaul and replaning is in order.

Overall the moral of the story check your skimmer for issues or possible issues more than once a year.. Lol and or invest in a good carpet cleaner.

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