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Old 08-23-2012, 02:42 AM
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Default Naughty Clowns Molesting Torch Corals

I'm ready to wring their little necks . . . though I'm not sure they actually have necks.

My clownfish have gone stupid in the last week (in a few ways . . . I think they're preparing for eggs).

They've gone gonzo over my torches. I have two very nice ones that I purchased from Reefwars. I didn't think I would have this problem, being that they're both CB fish.

Both of the torches sit in the same corner of the tank: isolated and out of stinging distance from everything else. The clowns are really messing with both of them (my black occ. disappears inside the big one for several minutes at a time, and both fish are rubbing all over both corals), and both torches are starting to look as if they don't find this agreeable.

How can I prevent the clowns from killing them? Offering them back to reefwars is something I'm considering, but I really like the torches and don't really want to lose them just yet. They have value to me.

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