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Old 06-12-2012, 08:30 PM
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Default Looking for fathers day gift ideas

My dads birthday and fathers day are always close together so I usually do just one gift. Its usually some sort of tool or such as my dad has quite the collection. Because of this we've gotten a lot of what I would call "one time use/neato!/he'll probably never use that but whatever" tools. He has pretty much every tool (carpentry/mechanic) and its gotten to the point where if Bob Vila is selling something new at Christmastime at Sears, I'm running out to buy it. Then Bob Vila stopped doing that and thank god Home Hardware picked up the reins on that dealio.

Anyhoo, my last two ideas just got shot down because, well, he apparently already has them The ideas were 1. a laser temperature gun 2. a cordless digital inspection camera. While I understand that these two items would actually be used by someone, my dad is retired and frankly, these fall into the "neato!" category for him

So my question is, thinking along these lines, does anyone have any other neato! suggestions? Switching to chocolate or booze is out as he is a diabetic (that was suggested by a co-worker).
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