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Old 05-06-2012, 02:38 PM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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If he does like to eat eggs, try fish roe (masago) or caplan eggs. This is the little orange eggs found on sushi. I give it each day to mine and he really loves that stuff.

I buy the Clearwater brand and it is seasoned but none of my fish, anemone or corals seem to mind the seasoning

I could not find a brand of these that was not colored and seasoned, but I have been feeding this to my fish and corals for 2 years now with great results. I feed it often to my ricordeas and they love it too...they just take like 30 to 40 minutes to swallow anything so cutting the pump for that long is a must when I feed them.

My cleaner wrasse is now quite big so he can eat larger worms but I always keep my cultures (3 cultures) running and well fed so there is always plenty of smaller babies in there and he does prefer the smaller ones.

Originally Posted by mws View Post

I enrich my white worms with Selcon, so they have a good nutritive value.
I do the same thing.But mine would only eat the worms what are very small.

Also helped my wrasse on a beginning, when I just got him, was the group of green chromis I had at the time. They laid eggs non stop and it was a treat for him to go and eat the eggs. I sometime would stand with the net and hold chromis male(guarding) back, while my c. wrasse would get full.[/quote]
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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