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Old 08-09-2011, 09:11 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
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Originally Posted by abcha0s@conceptaquatics View Post
The trouble is that we all depend on the manufacturers to tell us what's in the salt and they all claim to be the best. You won't have to look far to find a reefer that prefers any one of the brands that you have listed. As the results start coming in, I expect there will be votes for all of the salts (or at least most).

I've seen studies that compare various salt brands and they appear to identify a leader. However, there are criticisms of the studies that show errors in the testing methodology and biases. They are also outdated as new salts have come onto the market.

Even a salt water analysis on a small sample can show very different results than what the manufactures claim. For that matter, the salt at the top of the bucket is likely different from the salt at the bottom of the bucket. When the manufacturers mix in large batches, results will vary.

You also really need to define what criteria make a salt “good”. If you are supplementing calcium, then high levels of calcium might not be a big deal to you. You might look for trace elements instead. If you aren’t supplementing calcium then that same salt might be problematic.

I like “Royal Natural” salt. You didn’t list it on your poll, but if you look around I am sure you can find it. I like it because the manufacturer claims that it is the best, so I assume that it is at least adequate. More specifically, it mixes cleaner than any other salt that I have ever tried. It mixes so quickly that it generally doesn’t even hit the bottom of my mixing barrel.

- Brad
I am also with Brad on this, I have used reef crystal over years and then try out the Seachem Reef Salt and then Royal Natural” salt.

I am literally don't have to dose any Mg with Seachem Reef Salt but i found it take longer to mix and it also leave some residual. The Royal Natural on the other hand mix very fast, i can mix and use it in 10 minutes with no problem.

However, different salt will give you different level of Mg,Alk, and Calc so i have to retest my water and change the dosing amount to my tank which is the sucky part.

Anyway, i think i am going to stick with Royal Natural salt from now on instead of switching.
155 gallon bow front
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