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Old 04-12-2011, 01:55 AM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: regina
Posts: 1,535
lockrookie is on a distinguished road

it was an interesting day today. for those who dont watch the news regina had a home explode in the south side of city. it was a miracle that the two elderly ppl who live in the home survived. my thoughts go to thier families and hope speedy recoveries.

i got called in by the fire department to help in opening residents homes to check and air out lingering deposits of natural gas. i was glad to help i ended up being there off and on throughout the day and got to witness the hard work and care they took in making sure everyones home would be safe fro their owners return. from sask energy to sask power the fire department and teh officers. and even salvation army feeding the residents of the area. it was an amazing sight with a sad beginning.

just thought id share my random thought of this with you.

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