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Old 04-26-2010, 04:37 AM
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PoonTang PoonTang is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Ladysmith BC
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PoonTang is on a distinguished road

I too suspect that i have the dreaded little buggers but have yet to have a visual confirmation. I got some interceptor and have been doing a bunch of reading. Here is the info that I am going to go with. You can go with a dose as high as 23mg per 100g but far less is actually needed. I was going to personally going to go with 1/2 a pill. Shut off carbon and submerge skimmer air intake but keep it running. 24 hours later start up skimmer and carbon. Dont worry about a WC but it wont hurt. You must repeat the entire thing around 6-7 days later but 95% of the people report success after the first dose but there is always that chance. Some people do a third dose. Their Life cycle is as of yet unknown although it is thought to be 4 days and that they dont lay eggs.
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