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Old 02-27-2010, 03:24 AM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
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christyf5 is on a distinguished road

Finally done!!

Everyone is moved successfully except for a few snails, the powder blue tang and the raccoon butterfly. Both fish will be finding a new home. The PBT has become very aggressive lately with the addition of a lavender tang and I've decided that I will likely add another one but it will be the last fish I add. Hopefully Poontang will take him, if not he might reside in my sump for awhile. I'm hoping to pawn the raccoon off on Marie as she was interested in having him do a bit of cleaning in one of her tanks. He did a wonderful job of ridding my tank of aiptasia and majanos before moving on to zoos (lucky just the fugly ones) blastos, acans and ricordeas. The snails are just in there because there isn't much to eat in the new tank and because I had to quit before I fell over. My back isn't a happy camper.

Tomorrow its epic frag mounting time, time to unload those frag racks
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