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Old 02-11-2009, 04:00 AM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
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Ok kids, we're resurrecting this. Traco and I are pretty much good to go and likely will see some pretties we need to add tomorrow when the wickedfrags website gets updated

I'm taking over and cracking the whip. We're not sure where we're getting this delivered but no worries on that, we'll get it figured out.

Please post in this thread what you are ordering from Dave. Send him an email at sales@wickedfrags with the subject line Vancouver Island Group Order and your list. Payment will go directly to him in the manner he wishes (ask him). If we don't make the free shipping I will pay it and it will be divvied up via the number of frags you are buying. Payment of shipping fees is required upon receipt of frags. No IOUs

This post will only be open for a few days, then I'll close it and send the whole list to confirm with Dave that everyone has ordered and paid.

Alrighty, let the games begin!
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