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Old 11-02-2005, 11:14 PM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
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Sounds like dinoflagellates to me. Brown snot like bubbly algae?? Welcome to hell

Decrease your lighting, increase skimming and alkalinity and pray to the reef gods. You can siphon it out but sometimes that makes it worse. My suggestion is to either start over, or give all your SPS to a buddy and leave the lights off for 3-5 days with a blanket over the tank. Then do big water changes.

I'm sorry I can't comment on the silicone, I have no experience with that. Personally I battled these guys for a year with no success, it was only after I took major action, restarting my tank with freshly powerwashed rock and no sandbed that I've actually had success.

Sorry to sound like a downer. Other people have had success against these buggers. I think its fairly easy to combat in the first stages but as they reproduce by fission, the larger population you have, the larger population you have.

some threads:

Good luck and for your sake I hope its some other lame algae.

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