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cc_bruno 03-20-2005 07:47 PM

Building a sump/refugium
I'll be getting some 1/4" thick acrylic this week, and was wondering what the tallest sump I could build with it, both with, and without cross supports along the top. The sheets are 50"x75", and was thinking of making it a sump/refugium, that measured 18" tall, 24" wide, and 72" long, with each being half of the length, (so, a 36" long sump and a 36" long refugium). Thanks in advance for your help.


P.S. I don't know if it's cell cast or extruded, so, let's assume extruded, and go worst case.

Nemo 03-20-2005 07:51 PM

Re: Building a sump/refugium

Originally Posted by cc_bruno
I'll be getting some 1/4" thick acrylic this week, and was wondering what the tallest sump I could build with it, both with, and without cross supports along the top. The sheets are 50"x75", and was thinking of making it a sump/refugium, that measured 18" tall, 24" wide, and 72" long, with each being half of the length, (so, a 36" long sump and a 36" long refugium). Thanks in advance for your help.


P.S. I don't know if it's cell cast or extruded, so, let's assume extruded, and go worst case.

If you also pick up some 1/2" X 1/2" stock and run it around the inside 6" from the top it will add alot of suport, and prevent it from bowing out

Corey 03-20-2005 08:00 PM

If you are putting baffles between the two sections that should hold it from bowing.

cc_bruno 03-21-2005 02:02 AM

The sump part will have quite a few sections and baffles in it, so, that part of it, I'm not too worried about, but, the refugium part, I am, as the goal is to have it as one large section, all in it's own. I'm thinking about using a full sheet over top of it, with two sections cut out of it, if that will support it enough to allow me to make it 18" tall.... but, if I can get away with not having to do that, then great, as the extra piece will come in handy for something else.

As for the 1/2" stock... that's an idea... will have to purchase that seperately, (I'm not getting the 1/4" from a manufacturer... it's a friend of a friend, so, what he has is what I have to choose from).


hockey nut 03-21-2005 05:10 AM

my sump is made of 1/4 acrylic and is id 34" x 17"w x 20" tall. ( 50 gal ) I have 1 x 1/2 inch brace and 2 x 1/4 inch baffles. No prbs at all.


cc_bruno 03-21-2005 04:25 PM

Thanks Hockey nut... Makes me less concerned about building one that big. Thanks again everyone who replied.


hockey nut 03-22-2005 09:04 AM

Here is a pic of the sump. The 1/2 brace is inside the sump in a u type shape.


If you can't see the image below, look in photo gallery in equipment

cc_bruno 03-22-2005 04:51 PM

Thanks for the pic. Yeah, seems like that would add enough support for it. Makes me want to upsize it a little, (originally wanted to make it 24"Hx24"Wx72"L... may just cap it at 20"Hx24"Wx72"L..... need some space under the tank to reach in through). Essentially, if I build it correctly, and support it enough, I'm really only limited to available space under the tank, (and, as the stand has yet to be built, they can take on almost any size and shape :biggrin: ). Thanks again for your help.


hockey nut 03-22-2005 08:26 PM

I did that. I knew the measurements of the stand so I thought I could build the sump for it with no probs. Well it didn't fit. So I cut out some holes in a wall for plumbing and put it in a different room. Good for me but not so Happy wife though. oooppsss. Anyhow good luck with your project and if you can do it use 1/2 inch and sleep better at night. :mrgreen:


cc_bruno 03-22-2005 10:25 PM

I'd love to use 1/2", but, I got the 1/4" for a real deal, so, as money is always an issue in this hobby, and lack of it is usually the case, you go with what you can :biggrin: . I'll build it with 1/4", and then reinforce it with supports, (will more than likely go with a sealed top, and use a router to remove sections of it to allow access into the refugium). I'm not too worried about the sump part of it, as there will be plenty of support with the baffles, (but, will still run a 2" - 3" strip all the way around it.... One major flood and I can see me spending a few nights on the couch :rolleyes: ).

Thanks again for your help. Hopefully, it will go well, and without too much of a hassle, or leaks, and I'll be one step closer to finally setting up my tank, (this has been a 6 month process so far, so, I don't expect miracles anymore :smile: )


hockey nut 03-23-2005 04:12 PM

I know what you mean about waiting. I just started my 120 up on March 2. It has taken me a year to get to this point. Just got my skimmer going 2 days ago. Now I'll be working on the fuge this week..... I hope :rolleyes: . I've had moments when I just wanted to get rid of everything when it wasn't working out......... but I enjoy this hobby too much to be so foolish and keep plugging away.

Send us a pic when your done .

Happy reefing.

cc_bruno 03-23-2005 05:01 PM

I'm hoping to start working on my fuge/sump this weekend, (as it's a long weekend), but, won't hold my breath :rolleyes: . Once it's all set up, it will be a matter of deciding between an external pump, or, a submersible one. I like the idea of a submersible, as one of my fears is the external one leaking, (or the bulk head leaking). I have a little giant that came with the tank, so, external one is free, (well, already paid for :biggrin: ), so, it's cost versus fear. Just can't win sometimes :lol: .

I've hit the frustration point a few times in the past year and a bit, but, most of it was over trying to get my seahorses to eat frozen food, (imagine hand feeding 6 seahorses, freshly killed and live ghost shrimp at 6 AM, so that you can still make it to work on time.... believe me, that gets painful really, really fast... but, now that they are eating frozen mysid, life is better again :biggrin: ). Thankfully, the good days far out number the stressful, and frustrating ones, (as there are no bad days in reefing :biggrin: ).

I'll post a few pics after it's all set up, (still having to work out some lighting issues... got the hardware, now, just want to better simulate a "natural" sun light / moon light cycle, without spending a ton of cash).


hockey nut 03-24-2005 05:38 AM

$$$$$$ I hear ya man.

Well this is the place to buy and sell your stuff. Some some pretty fair deals and a couple of great deals now and again. What size tank are you building?

cc_bruno 03-24-2005 04:31 PM

Well, the final goal is to have my 225 and my 77 gallon tanks, running on on large refugium / sump, (with each measuring 20"x24"x36"). I'm hoping that I can run both tanks off of one pump, (thankfully, seahorses don't need much water flow, so, as long as I don't put anything in there that requires lots of high flow, I should be ok, (or, will put in a power head for the few corals that do need it.... I'm hoping the seahorses will learn to stay away from it.... seem to do so now in the 33, so, there's always hope :biggrin: )). The main tank, the 225, will have either 3, but, more than likely 4, 400 watt MH bulbs on it, and then, not sure if I will run VHO actinics, or PC actinics, (heck, or even regular, NO, actinics... got to save some money somewhere :biggrin: ). If I can get it to look just right with 3, then the fourth one will go over the 77... if not, then I'll need to work out lighting for the 77, (missed out on a few deals for MH lighting, so, that tank may go PC or VHO.... we'll see, (read that, what will I be able to get past my wife after the first month's hydro bill when the MH bulbs are running :biggrin: ).

So, that's the goal. I have the tanks, ballasts for the MH bulbs, and soon, will have the sump built... just need to finish the floor in that room, and get the stands and canopies made, and then, it's get sand, rocks, bulbs and plenty of salt, and a whole new adventure begins :biggrin: .

Wish me luck... I'm going to need it, (right about the end of that first month of my MH running :biggrin:


hockey nut 03-25-2005 05:14 AM

WOW!!!! Good Luck. Must have $$ to burn and a very understandable wife. :mrgreen: Sounds like a great system.
For your seahorse tank , depending on where you place your power heads and size of power heads, you could use small pcs of eggcrate glued or zap strapped together to box off the intakes of the pumps so the horses don't get sucked up. It's a little gaudy looking but works well.

Anyhow have fun and take pics as you go along.

Keep us up to date.

Best regards

cc_bruno 03-26-2005 05:19 AM

I wish I had extra cash laying around to just burn... most of it was purchased at "bargain basement prices", i.e., Buy and Sell, friends, other people on Canreef...If I had to buy all of it new, I'd be sleeping with the dogs, (which, at times, would be a safer bet :biggrin: ). Having a father inlaw that likes what I'm doing helps with explaining things to my wife :biggrin: .

I hope to start my stands and sump in the next few weeks, so, I'll start to take pictures then, (haven't moved into the digital age, so, it will be a while before all of the film gets developed and posted... Oh well, better late than never :smile: ).

I currently have 3 power heads in the 33 gallon, and the seahorses seem to stay away from them, so, so far, so good... but, I will definitely have to do something when the new tank is set up.... don't want any babies that might be born to become instant tank food, after a run through the power head blender :eek: .

Well, back to designing the stand and canopy, although, I really love the work that Jim did, and may incorporate some of that, (I hope you don't mind Jim http://<a href="http://www.canreef.c...hp?t=15374</a>). We'll see what comes of it.

Thanks again for all of your feed back.


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