Hi, Fishoholic. I was asking if you have the lights still available. I think this is a PM? What does bump mean? I have a 30 gal columnar nano that is 24" across so a good fit. I bought this first tank in January set up and have already upgraded almost everything but the fish and the heater. Am "into" corals more now than the fish. Mania. If they are available please call at 780-570-1915 or just PM if I am too late.
Hi Shaun I find most of the seaweed sheets are fairly similar brand wise. Some grocery stores (superstore and T&T market) even sell seaweed sheets for making sushi rolls with which work as well and saves money. Just if you by from the grocery store make sure it's the unsalted original/natural kind. Right now the brand I am using (was on sale at Big Als) is Julian Sprung's Sea veggies (green seaweed) by Two Little Fishies, and my fish seem to really like it. Also the New Era Marine Grazer is really good. Here's a review on it http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=80113
Hey Laurie... do you recommend a specific brand of Seaweed Grazing Sheets?? Ocean Nutrition, IO ???? Curious as I have a Fox Faced Rabbit and a Hippo Tang I want to get started on. Shaun
Thought I better get this off to you as I had in the order book a request for a Passer ...They came in,and I felt i had to let it go..Sorry. You should probably just try to sell your King on Canreef..Getting into that size of a angel they tend to sit for a long period of time @ the store. I'm sure someone will scoop him up..-Shannon-