AI SOL upgrade to Vega?????
Has anybody tried this upgrade to thier Sols? I'm not even sure where to get the upgrade kits. Just a thought and have'nt started looking yet. I'm running 4 Sol Blues and 2 Ecoexotic Panaroma Pros on my tank and would like to do the upgrade to 2 of my Sols. My only concern is that my tank is 30" deep and read some where that the Vega's are not good for deep tanks. Also this so called "disco effect" people talk about. I grow SPS on my sandbed with no problems and if it cant be done with the Vega upgrade than no point. I'm really leaniing towards trying this due to every LED owners complaint of not quite the right colors. I'd like to hear some of your thoughts please. Try to convince me not to put out the cash for this.