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Old 05-19-2018, 04:52 PM
Torx Torx is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Blenheim, Ontario
Posts: 135
Torx is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mrdss View Post
I will not let you tell another lie. I will not let anyone who is new to the hobby fall victim to a 3 hour drive from the G.T.A.

If you are in the G.T.A. you get FIRST picks of ALL the coral. The only coral that goes to a show is coral that has been picked through and that no one in the G.T.A. wants. You will also probably get a better deal.


I am the organizer of the London show and help out the Brantford one. I would have helped with the Niagara show, but I had something else on my plate at the time. Hundreds of people come to each these shows, some of which have been going on for the last 6 years. People travel from all over Ontario, Ottawa, and the US to the London, Niagara and Brantford Annual shows. Many of the vendors actually bring in orders specifically for the shows. You are the one spreading the lies. I am glad that you have a safe place for you to spend your money.

You are quite the character for sure. Making a big deal out of something you literally know nothing about. Yes, there were 12 vendors at the first show 6 years ago. 6 years ago that was pretty much all the vendors in Ontario. This year there were 22 vendors from all over Ontario at London Fragfest. The only thing you are actually doing is bringing attention to and promoting the shows.

So is this going to be like every other forum and Facebook page and you slowly blow up? You start using caps, then start with calling people names, maybe throw a few sexist comments then slowly escalate until you get banned?