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Old 04-17-2004, 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by jthunder
The only problem with the poly tank (tray) is that it isn't separated in the middle to create the raceway, to do that they would need to plastiweld a peice onto the tray, which would cost approx 70 bux extra. So if I was to go that route I might have to rethink the setup for plumbing, but I was pretty sure that the raceway would work best and provide the best flow for the size of tank.

The other piece of equipment that I'm looking into using is a kalk reactor and possibly a phyto reactor. we'll see.
or you could do a spray bar set up in a ring around the tank. give you a gentle flow all over.

Kalk is good.

the reason I am saying a skimmer would be good is as he mentioned in the last post (phyto) is going to be adding food to the tank.. the skimmer will allow you to feed fairly decent and keep the water quality in check. also if he is starting out with softies and such they like food. hence the skimmer recommendation.

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