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Old 11-07-2013, 09:11 PM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
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I don't go there specifically for aquarium stuff, but when I go to our place in California I make sure to stock up on anything from BRS or any of the other online vendors that charge you almost the price of the item you want in shipping to send to Canada, when it's more often than not free down there.

Really, it's not the stores in the US that have things that we don't, it's the online stores that I wish I had better access to without having to pay exorbitant shipping and duty fees. This is true for online shopping in the US compared to Canada in general. But especially for things like livestock that US retailers simply will not ship to Canada and are a massive hassle to bring across the border with you... Man do I wish we had access to LiveAquaria in Canada. There were times in my reefing career (not today) where I would have spent 1000 or more on one of the rare fish in the Divers Den.

It's getting better in Canada with store like MadJelly and Canada Corals, making some of the higher end corals more accessible without having to hope that you can find them through the informal frag trade, but there are certain products you just can't get in Canada. There's quite a few brands or lines of fish food that you can't get here because it's onerous for the companies that make them to get it approved for Canadian markets, and I'm pretty sure Otohime is just plain banned in Canada.
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