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Old 11-16-2009, 07:59 PM
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superduperwesman superduperwesman is offline
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Posts: 850
superduperwesman is on a distinguished road

Lot of interesting posts in this thread.

One thing I have heard is that you don't want to switch jobs in a recession. Just something I heard from a few sources, but is the recession over... who knows? ahah

I don't know... it's a fine line. I had a job I loved but it just didn't pay the bills... well... it did but that was all it paid, and long term it'd be harder on my body. But now with my new job my body is getting soft from sitting at a desk all day? Everything has pros and cons and familiarity breads contempt. I'd personally rather suffer at work each day and have the money to fully enjoy my own time but maybe that opinion will change in a few more years. I'm all for finding a job you love but not for less money. And in a lot of cases, anything you did love you begin to hate when it become your job.

I don't know? I kinda flip back and forth on this issue?
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