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Old 08-16-2015, 08:50 PM
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saltcreep saltcreep is offline
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
Would using a green or yellow or orange led be of any benifit?
Not for the plants. They don't use light in those spectrums for photosynthesis. A green light would visually enhance the colour of the green plants. They appear green because that colour is reflected. The more green light you add, the greener they will appear.

What ratio would you use? What would you pick? I read a few pages that said plants like infrared light which is why i added it to my imaginary light.

Im thinking of going with the 12 led bulb so its not TOO bright and burns the plants.
1xsomething else?green?
Or..... ..?
That ratio would work for the plants. I don't have much experience in building LED's so I'm not sure what they would look like visually. That tends to be an important factor as many hobbyists like a certain look for their tanks.

Something like api leaf zone? Petsmart has a seachem liquid fert. Cant remember what one. I will look into it. Not many choices for good pet stores that are affordable where i am on the island.

Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure where on the island you are located, but try finding Tropica fertilizers. It's what they have tested and use on their own plants. Your tank looks like it needs a trim already. Everything looks nice and healthy.
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