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Old 07-23-2002, 09:05 PM
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Default Clown Fighting Suddenly

How old are they? (Or alternatively, how long have you had them, and what size were they when you got them?) The reason I ask is, I don't think they're mating. Not yet, anyways. It sounds like they're "coming into their own" as a "couple," however (which is the first step to becoming a mated pair).

My percs spawn every 2 weeks (I can set my watch to it ... well, almost). There is no fighting or bullying involved. Instead, you will see both fish but particularly the male (the smaller of the two) fastidiously cleaning a spot on a rock near their home. They dance and hover over the spot. The actual spawn is basically both fish touching their bellies to the spot where the eggs are. The male tends the eggs, never leaving them to go far, constantly fanning the eggs with his fins.

I have never seen a hatch yet. It happens sometime after lights out on the day that they are due (actual length of time I think depends on temperature, but I beleive it is usually around 1 week. Not sure offhand.) Basically, one day I see little fishling eggs (eggs with eyes), the next day they are all gone. Presumably gobbled up (poor things, what a life). To raise the fry you need to capture them as they hatch before they are gobbled, and feed them rotifers (and feed the rotifers phyto). Phew!!

Anyways. As juvy's they may have been "buddies" and they probably will still end up buddies it's just that as the female gets to be the dominant fdemale, she will be asserting herself. The male, if he does not want to challenge for the role of female, will eventually submit. Submissive behaviour is interesting to watch. The submissive fish twitches. It literally looks like it's getting electrocuted. It's just their way of communicating, I suppose.
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