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Old 03-26-2012, 02:10 AM
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cuz cuz is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: lethbridge
Posts: 601
cuz is on a distinguished road

So far in regards to changing salt brands I've been slowley changing it out over the last month. I just didn't see the value in a $100 pail of salt, maybe I'll notice something and go back but for now I kind of like the $40/pail for IO.
I've been changing 5g a day for the past 3 weeks and the last week has been 10g/day. I've seen no difference yet other than really clean water from all the changes!!
I've had to dial back my dosing due to the daily water changes and IO mixing at a higher Alk but every thing seems fine. If i figure everything right by the time I move tanks I'll have added around 450g of new IO mixed water to my current tank and I should be fine filling the new one with just IO salt.
I'm wondering if I should slowly phase my doser out temporarily just to ensure the water from both tanks is as similar as possible for the move??
I'd rather **** off 2-3 pieces from lack of dosing vs chancing ****ing everything off due to different water!!
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