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Old 04-01-2013, 06:41 PM
saltyair saltyair is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Kingston on
Posts: 77
saltyair is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mexxedm View Post
I had my tank for more than a year. I moved. All the stocks are gone. I started over again with the same live rocks and sand. I did not have those algae before. I have radion at low lighting. Do I need to turn it to high to eliminate this?
Just being helpful :-) but more questions

When you moved your tank and started over did you dry the rock or did you keep it wet? Did you keep your old sand?

I have had friends that have moved tanks and had algae issues after, mostly due to not rinsing the old sand and just put the old stuff back in.

Other issues could be die off from the old rocks - nor cuc to keep algae under control ect.

If you don't have live stock in your tank - don't turn on the lights.
this is the long way around but trust me the long term solution.

Set up a refugium and get yourself some carbon and gfo.
insure high flow to keep the detritus from accumulating in the GHA (feeds off it) .

If you can take some rocks with GHA on it tooth brush it off before WC.

Use RO water and do water changes 5 to 10% per week for about two months.

If you did use your old sand I would suggest you take it out and replace it with new sand.

once it's under control it will be easy to keep it out (LEDs will help a lot)
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