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Old 09-24-2017, 06:35 PM
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Dearth Dearth is offline
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Final update on this skimmer

When Cadlights first came out it was a relatively unknown skimmer when I bought mine. I don’t believe the model I have is sold anymore however some of the issues I previously mentioned have been fixed in later models

The pump and pin wheel still function awesomely I have never had to clean the pin wheel or pump as both work as if brand new still just pull apart for inspection purposes only

The body of the skimmer is still in great condition and no issues very sound and well built and is still as quiet as the day I bought it no noise at all

It is still one of the easiest skimmers I have found to adjust for flow just use the pipe to adjust flow and instant results no waiting to see if that adjustment was wrong or right

Biggest issue I have found is the pipe will bind after sometime of not moving and I have to use a pair of channel lock pliers to loosen the pipe

One of the things Cadlights fixed in later models is the size of the hole that the bubbler tube attached to as in earlier models like mine you had to drill out the hole to make it marginally bigger as the hole was too small and tended to plug off

One thing I would like to see is a screen over the opening of the bubbler to stop snails, larger detritus and algae from clogging up the body of the bubbler the DIY ones I build are crap

Other than that I am quite pleased with the skimmer it is very easy to use and adjust and very few parts so it’s not complicated to put together and is relatively cheap compared to some of its competitors
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....

Last edited by Dearth; 09-24-2017 at 06:39 PM.
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