Thread: Water odour
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Old 09-18-2017, 03:18 AM
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corpusse corpusse is offline
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My parents have a strong sulfur smell coming out of their well. They spent who knows what on new water filtration systems (for the house not reef) and they claim it's gone but really it's still there. They've just accepted it or don't notice it years later. If you even wash your hands there or especially brush your teeth you notice right away.

There is nothing wrong with their well it's just there is sulfur in it. It's even safe to drink from the tap, not that they do.

That being said I actually kept my corals and fish there for over a month between moves and I don't recall there being any smell after using my RO/DI unit there. I switched the filters right before and right after though so I'm not sure how much long term usage you get out of them. When they change the carbon blocks in their house filtration system the smell is not as bad but it doesn't completely go away and comes back strong quick.

I guess this post doesn't really help you. I am 90% certain there was no smell from my 0TDS ro/di and 100% certain it was safe for fish and corals. Is it 0TDS with the smell?
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