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Old 02-15-2021, 05:49 PM
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mihaivapler mihaivapler is offline
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mihaivapler is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by NicoleZZZ View Post
I had an unsuccessful experience before with a cooperban that fail to eat. He was ended up dying just within one week after got to my home with no eating and pecking behaviour at all.

For this time I watched tons of youtube video and researched quite a bit. I thought I was ready, and eventually picked this guys that looks healthy in fish store.

I put him in the quarantine tank with low salinity. At the first few days he tries to eat mysis but spit it out. I was happy to see this behaviour. However he now just ignoring the mysis. I have also tried clam, flakes, brine, mashed seafood mix and fill in Syringe. same results as being ignored.

I can literally see he is becoming skinnier and skinnier. He refuses the frozen food but spending all day looking for foods in between the rocks. My quarantine tank runs for low salinity so there shouldnt any pods and aiptasia available for him.

Now I dont know what else I could do to make him eat.Please HELP!!!!!
I just bought 2 last week, had another one before died overnight.
What I was told is to make sure they eat when you buy them, so that’s what I did, went to the store and asked him to feed them, both of them went nuts for brine shrimp, bought them and I have an acclimating box and I put them in there for the past week and will keep them there for another 2-3, the reason is that in this way I can feed them and they don’t have to compete with the other fish for food, they can get nice and fat before I release them in the tank, the other fishes will get used to them and they won’t bully them as they are very shy fish and they will stress out to much.
The secret seems to be to get a eating fish from the store, have them in a acclimation box and try to get 2 as they seem to do better this way..
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