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Old 08-17-2008, 08:54 PM
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superduperwesman superduperwesman is offline
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I think the whole point of these polls coming about was due to vendors not having to be accountably for unsatisfied customers, but all we've done now is removed customer accountability. Customers can now come and bash vendors with out any qualification or quantification. Great! Now we know some people are satisfied and others are not but we've left out the most important part... WHY?

We also don't even know if the votes are from customers? "Yeah I'm very unsatisfied with _______ because I'd have to drive all the way across town to get there."

Typically I don't like to reinvent the wheel. See what works and steal it... EBAY.

Yeah people can leave feedback (vendor accountability) but it says who left it and gives them a chance to comment and say why (customer accountability), then replies from both seller and buyer can take place which is kinda like... wait... A THREAD!

If people wanna come on a praise a vendor they should be able to at which point the vendor can say thank you.

If people want to come on a bash a vendor they should be able to at which point the vendor can come on and explain/fix the issue or just hope to many people don't see.

^ Kinda like real life. I can walk into a store and say "man everything I got is doing great thanks sooo much I'll tell all my friends about you"... or I can walk in and say "what the hell... people are gonna hear about this crap"

Sometimes people are in the store to hear and thats just life.

There will always be retarded people who are just being stupid but I think typically those people are scene for what they are... retarded

But no matter what removing accountability is a bad idea... Thats why people have a problem with vendor immunity and why vendors have a problem with anonymous voting.

Just my $1.65

Last edited by superduperwesman; 08-18-2008 at 05:42 AM.
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