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Old 05-15-2016, 09:15 PM
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brisco brisco is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Delta
Posts: 160
brisco is on a distinguished road

I do have a battery back-up on of my Gyre recirc pumps which should keep things going for apox 36 hours at 30% flow. I hope this would be enough until I could get to the tank as I am away a lot. For longer outages I picked up a small gas generator but that would require me to be home to set it up. It has enough capacity to run everything in the tank. I guess that in the short term my hope is that the tank temp would drop slowly enough in the winter and rise slowly enough in the summer so that temp isn't a big issue but that is only a hope...don't want to ever test my set up for real. Very sad video, and I can tell that it was hard for you to make but thank-you for doing it.
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