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Old 10-02-2007, 08:13 PM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
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I know absolutely nothing about the energy royalty program, but I'm sure the panel, which includes a former Shell VP, knows plenty.

Originally Posted by ed99 View Post
Just one comment about moving investment out of Alberta- it is simple fact, not a threat or scare mongering. The increase in royalties means that many of our AB projects that we had planned for next year are not as profitable as projects in BC or the US, so that is where the money will go.
Absolutely! And when BC, WY and CO are totally depleted, Encana and friends will be welcome back here, assuming they haven't been beaten to the punch. By that time Alberta will have deeper pockets, a better public infrastructure, and hopefully, a better standard of living for all our citizens. Our government will have been among the first in North America to focus on long-term overall prosperity instead of short-term financial gain.

For the record I haven't heard of any public complaints by any other major industry player.

Originally Posted by Ruth View Post
Well they say the good lord hates a coward so I might as well wade into this debate.
I do work for an oil company - not Encana - but out of BC. I do remember the NEP and the absolute devistation that brought about so that yet another government could buy eastern votes.
I think that the question every Albertan should be asking is why the heck would we want to give this government yet more $$$. Let's face it, there is more $$$$ going into the government coffers than any Oil Companies. I think who really has to be questioned is the Alberta government. They have seriously mismanaged the $$$ that are going in right now and now they want more! (and one of the above poster said that big corporations are heartless). Maybe if there was more revenue going to the province they could give everyone $500 checks next year. Talk about a stupid way to spend over a billion dollars. Alberta should be ashamed of itself for the condition they have let their roads and infastructure get into. I am old enough to remember the day when driving across the border from BC to Alberta was a startling reminder of how inept the BC government was about maintaining infastructure - it is now the opposite.
So because we don't like our provincial government, we should give the money to corporations? Maybe, if everyone had an equitable portion of shares in each of those corporations! The answer here is to change the government - we've already tried the alternative, privatization, and that clearly didn't work (except in the case of liquor stores, probably because there are more than three or four players in that industry). Regarding the NEP, at least we should be able to agree that this time, the money is staying in Alberta, instead of being handed out to have-not provinces with totally incompetent governments. Additionally, the global energy picture is fundamentally different now. In the end, this entire debate comes down to greed. The oil companies, their management and their shareholders want to keep as many of the profits to themselves. Slightly more left-wing Albertans want to keep the money in Alberta. And everyone else wants us to share it out, either to other provinces, or further. For over 70 years, Alberta's natural resources have belonged to Albertans, and my opinion is that with such a great resource under our feet, our government should act in the interests of Albertans!

Man, n. ...His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth, and Canada. - A. Bierce, Devil's Dictionary, 1906

Last edited by Quinn; 10-02-2007 at 08:30 PM.
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