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Old 07-22-2014, 08:51 PM
smitas5 smitas5 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Regina
Posts: 48
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Ok, I get it, the only other reason I was considering UV, was the algae on the glass, thought I'll keep it for algae if it does not help with the ich.

As for the ich, I have some logistic questions..

2 ways I was thinking to handle this if it gets any worse at all:
- move all fish to quarantine, treat with hypo 1.008 for a week or two, but don't move them back to the DT for another week, but start raising the salts and add some live rock I have cycling separately for the last 3 weeks on their own.. QT is small and keeping amonia away is a challenge.

- do same, except instead of hypo, treat with copper and then keep doing water changes till all copper gone before adding live rock..

Am I leaving any loopholes here for parasite to survive?

Fishes I have: maroon clown, yellow tang, mandarin, yellow stripe gobby. Even though I was told mandarin can not get ich, was thinking I would need to move him too?

And thansk again for all the advice..
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