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Old 08-11-2017, 09:19 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by kyl View Post
I switched from reef crystals, overall I'm happy:

Alk is pretty consistent between batches, hovering around 7.7-8, not the lottery that RC seemed to be. Boxes seem more readily available too, but their buckets are an odd size and the lid is kind of a pain to remove. There's also far less sludge/residue after mixing and storing it for a couple days, if that matters.

Some people are stating they've had cyano / dinoflagellate issues after switching, not entirely sure what would be causing that though.
You can get cyano/dinos from trace element imbalances. I'm not saying it's endemic to the salt, but it's something that happens.
This and that.
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