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Old 03-28-2005, 02:53 PM
Dabbler Dabbler is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 133
Dabbler is on a distinguished road

Build ships, kill people , have fun

First you must build up your planets so you make $$$

Hydo farms build population...population affects PP production and science points
Robot Fac make $$( plus for every Population)
Cybernets let you get more planets
Labs add to your science
Star bases are you planets defence

build your planets up to 10-12 in all fields...this would be good

Culture is how many planets you can have...the more cybernets you have the quicker the culture

everything is level based
in your sciences area you can choose which area you can "research"
Biology is how far you can see in the star map
economy is how much your battle ships, cruisers, destroyers cost
energy is how fast your ships fly
math is your defence and time arrival calculator and when you get to level 15 you can make cruisers
Physics is your attack and once you get to level 15 you can build Battle ships
social is how much population you can have on your planets
All this is affected by your science labs and population
Culture is only affected by Cybernets and the more culture ...the more planets you can have.

Thats the quick version
1-135 gal Freshwater planted tank
1-120 gal Reef **For Sale**
It's just my opinon, I have lots of them.
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