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Old 05-11-2017, 10:48 PM
reefmandan reefmandan is offline
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Location: Edmonton, AB
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Originally Posted by RichKlit View Post
Thanks I appreciate your response. I've been reading a lot and so much mixed info?!?? I know for sure I'm in no rush, after reading some of the horror stories online I think the one thing I've learned already is go slow.
You can definitely mix the rock, but old rock from a SW tank will tend to leach phosphates and cause unwanted algae growth. My issue is that the appearance of the two different rock styles would bug me. For the sand, throw it in a 5gal bucket, and run a garden hose into the bottom of it, let it overflow with water until it runs clear. You want to get as much crap out of the sand as possible.

I'd give the tank a really good clean, as any organics leftover could also cause unwanted algae growth as it breaks down over time. A good water/vinegar mix can be quite effective.

I've had good success with ATM Colony, it helps to cycle a tank more quickly. Once your cycle has completed (measure ammonia/nitrate), throw a hardy fish into the tank (e.g. damsel, clownfish). Then go really slow after. Too much too soon will tend to put too much of a bioload on your tank, more than it can handle.
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