Thread: Contest #2
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Old 04-15-2009, 02:38 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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The problem with a livestock budget is who decides on pricing? Actual paid price, fair enough but some will pay much less than others and I for one have gotten many corals for basically nothing and on the other hand have also overpaid on occasion. I remember having to measure coral and post pics of this being done because of anonymous complaints and I know for sure having people make up whatever price they feel like will cause problems. The standard price list probably maintained the sanity to the best degree possible but as you all now it wasn't even close to real so in the end it was pretty pointless and limited people to what they can do with their tanks. For example not many people found it inefficient to use frags as it was too expensive on the budget, going with larger corals was essentially the only way to fill the tank on budget. In addition the same type of coral can vary with price dependent on coral or variation not just location. Simply too complicated and I honestly see no point.

Hardware on the other hand is pretty easy, a budget could be applied.

Restrictions are needed for the contest but apply it to something that can easily be monitored and controlled. Tank volume for sure and limit total volume, the most challenging part of a nano is the limited volume. A 100 gallon sump wold defeat the purpose.

Perhaps another restriction could be power consumption, limit the total allowable "rated" wattage of the system.

I'm not sure I get the chiller idea, a nano shouldn't need one as a fan should accommodate any heat problems. The smaller volume will also not hold in heat like a larger tank.

And 6 months just to build a nano, come on that's just a little much don't you think? One month should be plenty.

Last edited by sphelps; 04-15-2009 at 02:40 AM.
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