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Old 04-20-2009, 02:48 AM
sask sask is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 7
sask is on a distinguished road

I have 3 chromis that are all over 3 tears old. They have all done well since day1. They breed without fail at least every week. There is 1 male who has darker blue/green along his dorsal ant tail fins. he calls over 1 female, she lays a row of eggs and then he fertilizes them. Then he chases her of and calls over the other female and the whole thing continues for a few hours until there are probably close to 1000 eggs in total. I did put in a piece of glass with a magnet and they laid them on the glass. I moved the piece of glass to another tank and they did hatch but I didn't have what they needed to survive. I used rotifors and liquid phyto. Still fun to watch.
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