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Old 05-15-2015, 05:30 PM
markjameslucas markjameslucas is offline
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Default Jebao WP-40 lifespan

Just an update and for the record, I've purchased all my Jabeo products from directly from China. I had a wp40 fail on a different occasion, and they wouldn't replace it unless I paid and $25 fee, so I had to pay for the upgrade to the RW model which is shown in the video($70). For the update, the RW model was still under warranty so the are shipping replacement parts from China for a shipping fee of $15 U.S. So they're still profiting off of the supposed warranty. Better than nothing, but two out of three of my Jabeo pumps have failed in some manner, as well as one controller. Not confidant that this new one will work either.

I agree that those older pumps (hydror) last forever. Think I'll pull mine out again as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Last edited by markjameslucas; 05-15-2015 at 05:32 PM.
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