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Old 05-15-2015, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by markjameslucas View Post
I had one WP40 crap out. Replaced it with I believe they're called RW40. And it started smoking from the cord today. I noticed it wasn't working and when I pulled it out of the water, it was smoking. The plastic has disintegrated in couple of areas. Only had it for about six months. Oh, and before that the new dual controller stopped working so I had to go back to the old single ones for the mp40s. I've really noticed Jabeo products having a very limited shelf life. I'll try to post a video. Very dangerous. And I'm again without a pump. Very frustrating. I'm thinking of not buying Jabeo anymore even if they are cheap. Don't mind the algae. Having a battle right now.

I think that your onto something with the smoking cord.
A "smoking gun" so to speak...
My wp-40 has a off colored cord.
The portion that was in the water, is a grey/white color now.
I imagine that the water finds a crack in the wires plastic casing and wicks its way down to the control circuit inside the pump and shorts it out.

I've looked at modifying the unit to run off my apex controller.
Inside the controller, the dc supply lines are not wired with any sort of consistency in color coding.
My one is blue to blue, brown to brown.
The videos that I've seen rewiring the unit for apex control show brown to blue and blue to brown, yellow to blue, green to brown, etc.

If the correct/consistent colored wires are not used as a method of saving a few cents, how long are the materials, specified in manufacturing, going to last? My guess is no more than to get it off the shelf.
6-18 month failure rates across the board.

Decent design (thanks tunze), but cheap materials are the demise of the Jabeo product line in my thoughts.

I've relocated my much older koralia evo's from my mixing bucket to replace the wp-40 for now.
They have been running strong for 5 years.
The magnets were acting up, but hydor replaced them after warranty. No questions asked. No wait they asked my address and how many I need.
They didn't play games and fail to reply to emails like Jabeo vendors both Canadian and International.
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