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Old 06-15-2018, 03:35 PM
Llorgon Llorgon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Kelowna, BC
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Llorgon is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Frogger View Post
I had 2 coral colonies (garf bonsai, pink birdsnest) that I thought I had killed (bleached) a year ago because of a phosphate/nitrate/alkalinity issue. Low and behold, I cut away the skeletons and there was nothing left or at least I thought. About 8 months later the bonsai started growing back (2" long now multiple stems) and I noticed the birdsnest growing back about a month ago. It is a little over an inch long now multiple stems.

You just never know.

I have about another half dozen or so I killed in that same episode that I am still holding my breath for.

I've left them in the tank so we will see if any of them come back.

The pocilapora is now showing some bleaching in spots. I moved it to another spot with higher flow so hopefully it will like that.

I have been having some issues with my frogspawn not opening up. Any idea what that could be?
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