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Old 08-23-2013, 09:05 PM
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Blue World Aquariums Blue World Aquariums is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 294
Blue World Aquariums is on a distinguished road

A few new details on this for you guys:

-We've now built-in the Bluetooth module that was originally planned as an add-on module. We feel this move will help us more completely fulfill our vision of an app-enabled controller. There is no longer any physical user input on the hardware, it is programmed through a mobile app. This is a major change to the product, and it has pushed our release date back to early 2014.

-Monitoring modules in the works to launch with the controller: pH, Salinity, ORP, Disolved oxygen, and Water flow.

-PowerPWM adapter to enable control of some popular LED products that lack a 0-10V control input (eg. Ecoxotic, Current USA products) to launch with the controller.

-Early development has started for a powerbar.

Some screenshots of the Android app:

This is the "home screen" of the app. Pretty self explanatory.

This is the Scenes favorite part. This screenshot is from the Advanced Lighting Mode. You can customize the colors, names, and functions of the channels that appear here.

The really cool part here, that you can set custom audio files to play with the scene. (for the full effect, you should have a Bluetooth speaker. ) You can set your light levels that will play with the scene, OR for full control, you can program your lights to change as the scene progresses.

This Thunderstorm scene is a default that comes with the app, but you can make your own custom scenes. For this scene we ramp light levels down to simulate cloud cover, and then we timed lightning flashes to the audio.

Here's the Scene Settings screen (Kessil A360 mode). You can choose from a few audio files included with the app, or add your own from your device.

People with a bit of programming experience should take note of the can define functions, variables, use loops, etc. This gives you complete control over the behavior of your light. Making a change to your code and testing it is very quick and easy!

The main settings menu.

Channel settings menu. For DIY setups, you'd want to rename your channels and pick a display color.

If your setup needs less than the 6 channels available, you'll probably want to disable them so they don't appear in your settings and Scenes.

Special settings for Kessil A360 users!

The Android app has development priority, but iOS will follow. We are still after beta testers, and if you're interested in that, please sign up for updates on the website: signup form at the bottom of the page.

That's about it for now! We appreciate any feedback.
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